Solar System Cost Estimator

Please follow these steps to properly use the solar widget.

  1. Enter Zip Code

  2. Change the Federal tax to whatever your tax bracket is

  3. Change the State tax from 5% to 0% (Florida does not have state tax)

  4. Click on the “Utility Energy” tab on the top meu of the ballpark estimator

  5. On the dropdown arrow under “Electric Utility (select)”, please choose ”Florida Power & Light”

  6. Wait until it loads

  7. Change the Electric Price from $0.12 to $0.13 (or whatever YOUR current electrical rate is)

  8. Enter your August electric bill in dollars

  9. Enter your February bill in dollars

  10. Click on the “Your Results” tab on the top menu of the ballpark estimator

  11. The system automatically populates 50% of utility, so change it to view the cost to cover whatever percentage you want to replace with solar and hit on “Your Results” again. For example: enter 80%, click on “Your Results” and wait for the system to update.